Saturday, September 19, 2009
Marhaba! I've been in Lebanon for a few days now. I'll be staying at my aunts house for about another week. The neighborhood where she lives is called Sabtieh. It is the same neighborhood where my grandparents live and where my mom grew up. Lebanon is very hilly. I freak driving on all the steep hills and narrow streets. There aren't really any rules when it comes to driving. There are a few street lights and stop signs but people don't really pay attention and nobody enforces any rules regarding traffic. I rarely see police but there are soldiers everywhere which is pretty different from the U.S. The style of clothing, of housing decor, of relating to people, is all very different. Also, the electricity is a big problem. It goes off all the time and you never know if there will be warm water or not. I had a really cold shower this morning! I have been advised again and again not to talk about politics, even in class, with anyone. This may be a problem since I am going to be taking all political science classes. I've been advised to just be objective and not reveal my opinion. Anyone who knows me knows that that will be quite difficult. I'm just going to have to evaluate situations as they arise. I like to state my opinion and have conversations but I am also good at recognizing the right time and place to do so. I think I'll be just fine:)